This blog captures my personal reflections and experiences during my journey through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA), culminating in my entrance into the Catholic Church during Easter of 2024. Through this process, I explored questions of faith, community, and purpose, documenting my thoughts as I deepened my understanding of Catholic teachings and traditions. While this blog remains as an archive of that transformative time, I no longer actively update it. However, I hope the content here continues to offer insights and encouragement to those who may be exploring their own faith journey.

    Thank you for visiting, and may your path be guided by grace and understanding, no matter which road you choose to take.

  • Comments, Questions, Concerns & Emotional Outbursts:

    I've been a social media professional for nearly two decades—and have monitored some wild moments and content over the years. Please be mellow and take a deep breath before commenting, emailing, or hunting down my personal accounts to go off.

  • Hi there. I'm Kayla, and I started OCIA in 2023.

    I’m using this small space on the Internet to write about the experience, and conversion of heart.

  • "There are no unanswered prayers... Lean on the Lord with all of your strength. Trust in the sovereignty of God. And love well, even when it is hard."

    The Reverend Dr. David McElrath

  • This might be uncomfortable...

    If you’re Catholic, you’ll probably disagree with some of my thought processes. If you're not Catholic, you'll probably disagree with some of my thought processes. I was raised in Southern California (Liberal environment), spent some time up North (50:50), and now live in the South (Conservative environment). I've been grappling with belief, faith, and the intersection of modern culture for seven years.

Week 10: Questions
Kayla Wilson Kayla Wilson

Week 10: Questions

“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted…”

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Week 8-9: Challenges
Kayla Wilson Kayla Wilson

Week 8-9: Challenges

Reading comprehension is a personal strength, and over the past few weeks, there have been direct and worrisome disagreements between what the Deacons who are teaching in class, and what the CCC outlines.

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Week Three:
Kayla Wilson Kayla Wilson

Week Three:

I need to start sitting closer to the front of the Cathedral.

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