Crunch Time.

Blog Preface: I've come down with the flu, so I am missing this weekend's silent retreat and OCIA class.

This past Sunday was the Rite of Election as our class heads into the Easter mysteries, and it was a long day. We started the morning with OCIA and the topic of Stewardship, attended noon Mass, ate a quick lunch, and closed with the ceremony. 

Starting with Mass, our entire class signed the Book of the Elect (AKA The Book of Enrollment). Inscribing your name in the Book of the Elect is a symbolic representation of the Church recognizing our journey of faith, and as the candidate, our desire to fully be initiated into the Catholic Church. I kept my eyes focused on the mantel and the cross, and didn't break my gaze until the Rector, my sponsor, and a sister touched my shoulder as I approached and said "You got this, girl." I needed that little final push to put pen to paper. For the first time in several weeks, I felt the cooling sensation during Mass after praying "Come, Holy Spirit," which was more than welcome. 

OCIA engaged us this week on the topic of Stewardship. I was inspired to learn that the Diocese of Wichita is known as "The Mecca of Stewardship," and being geographically close, I'm going to make a day trip to travel there for a Mass soon. Our Rector shared that their faithful take the call to Stewardship so seriously that no student has tuition for their Catholic education... Here in Tulsa, tuition for a classical education is ~$6,000.00 per year.

Stewardship in the church is described as four pillars:

Hospitality= Formation & Service

Time = Prayer

Talent = Service & Involvement 

Treasure = Monetary

Something the Rector said that caught my attention was, " If people don't stay, you can't teach them to pray," and asked us to ponder: How will I contribute to the life of the Parish? Stewardship holds profound importance within the Catholic Church as it embodies our collective responsibility to wisely manage and nurture the gifts bestowed upon us by God. By embracing stewardship, I would contribute to the life of the Parish by further fostering a sense of unity, purpose, and generosity that strengthens the community, enabling us to fulfill our mission of spreading love, compassion, and faith in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

How different would the world be if all Christians did this?

Wrapping up this entry to go back to resting my body: finals are next week!

In Christ,



Fasting and Graduating.


Do not be afraid (to ask for insight).